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Getting Unstuck So We Can Live Free!
June 24 - August 19, 2018
Do you ever feel stuck? Like you know you need to be doing something different or need something more out of life? We all have, and we all do.

Getting Unstuck From My Fear of Failing
June 24
As we venture forward in this sermon series about getting unstuck so we can live freely, we will focus this week on getting unstuck from our fears. We will look at the story of the crippled man who laid by the pool for 38 years. When Jesus came by and ask him if he wanted to be well, you might think he say, "Really?" "Yes, absolutely!" Did he say that? No, he went through a list of reasons why that probably could not happen. Then Jesus said, "Get up!" What is Jesus asking you to "Get up!" from?

Getting Unstuck From Things That We Believe to Be True, But Are Not
July 1
What are some lies that you believe, that you might begin to consider to be untrue? You and I getting unstuck from a wrong thought is important in pressing forward to what Jesus has for us in the days ahead. Let’s keep learning from God’s word about how we can get unstuck from harmful thinking so we can continue grow into the person God desires us to become.

Getting Unstuck From A Dysfunctional Family
July 15
This week's focus is on Getting Unstuck from a Dysfunctional Family. Would you say you have any dysfunction in your family? Obviously, there are different levels of dysfunction any of us may have to deal with. Paul and Jesus do not deal with this directly, but comprehensively as they teach and model for us how to live together, how to treat each other and Paul's "Love Chapter", I Corinthians 13, sums it up best of all.

Getting Unstuck From Rejection and Pain of the Past
July 22
Getting unstuck cannot be done somewhere else, it must happen in our hearts. It may get a little messy, but the result is always better than some additive or addiction. his week we will take a deeper step into getting unstuck as we learn about getting unstuck from rejection and past pains. God desires to make us whole. "Do you want to be well?", asks Jesus. Come and see what God has for you and let God know of our love.

Getting Unstuck From Unforgiving
July 29
What is it you want for Christmas this year? Maybe a better question, what is it you want from Christmas? Or maybe even better, what do you need from Christmas this year? Maybe Christmas should focus more on what we need versus what we want. Christmas changes everything. Will you allow it to change you?

Getting Unstuck From Not Learning From Past Mistakes
August 5
Many people get stuck and bogged down in unforgiveness. That is what we will talk about this Sunday in worship. We will look at some things that keep us stuck. Then look at some steps out of Matthew 18 that Jesus shares to help us get unstuck and move to places of forgiveness and reconciliation that lead to healthier relationships all the way round. The challenge from Paul is to "forgive others just as in Christ God has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:3

Getting Unstuck From An Unbalanced Life
August 19
Have you ever felt stuck spiritually or financially? Have you ever felt like you were too far gone from God? Have you ever wondered how to get back on track? We live in a world where there are more and more things to purchase, and more and more things vying for our time! Our debt is growing, and our free time is shrinking. As we get ready for the start of a new school year, we'll look at Psalm 139 1-12 and 23-24 and Luke 6:37-38 to see what God has to say about being stuck spiritually and financially, and how the two are related. We'll dig into God's truths about these things, and talk about who unsticks us, and how to get unstuck!
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