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Taking Care of Our Most Important Relationships
January 6 - March 3, 2019
As we kick the new year off we will be focusing on how to take care of and tend to our most important relationships in life. After all, not too many people come to the end of their days wishing they had worked more. Most people realize their relationships are the most important thing God has given them. And these relationships cannot be taken for granted. They must be cultivated, cared for, worked on and if you are like me, need special attention because I tend to get preoccupied from time to time with other "important" things and I neglect what is most important in my life. Has this ever happened to you?

Restoring Passion
March 3, 2019
This Sunday, we will be looking at how to restore our passion and connection with each other. Love is always about being other centered. We will be looking at the Song of Solomon and how His banner over us is key to our most important relationships and staying focused on love.

How To Be Present In All Relationships
February 24, 2019
When you think about the things that distract you, what comes to mind? Is it fear, or regret, or worry? Is it something more tangible, like work or social media or a to-do list? Whatever it may look like, there are lots of things in our lives that keep us from being present in our families and other important relationships. Sunday, we're diving into Numbers 21:4-9, and talking about what steals our focus, and what we should instead focus on.

How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage
February 17, 2019
Affairs, infidelity, flings, unfaithfulness have been a source of struggle for people down through the ages. Think of King David and Bathsheba, Hosea and Gomer, think of God and the Israelites. Think of God and the church today, who is the Bride of Christ. We will look at some tough passages of scripture and do our best to honestly deal with what God's word says about divorce, how God restores and redeems, and how we can grow in our discipleship through the challenges we face in our marriages and other important relationships.

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve
February 10, 2019
As we look into Joshua’s leadership and passion to live for God and not for idols, we will be challenged to do the same. It’s a slippery slope and we need to examine ourselves daily to see if we have drifted. God’s word is our anchor and His grace and salvation guide us back to truth. What choices do you have today that lie before you? Each new day is an opportunity to choose Jesus Christ again—moment by moment.

Learning to Forgive Our Family, Friends, and Enemies
February 3, 2019
Can you think of any grudges? Interesting that in Genesis 50, Joseph's brothers are concerned that he may be holding a grudge against them after thinking about killing him and then finally selling him off into slavery. Joseph sure had a right to hold a grudge and when asked to forgive his brothers, not to do so. And yet somehow Joseph finds it within himself to let that grudge go and to forgive those that sought to end his life.As we continue to learn about how to take care of our most important relationships, come and let's talk about the role forgiveness plays.

My Relation with Myself
January 27, 2019
There's another key relationship that we often forget about: our relationship with ourselves. There's a fine line that exists between thinking too much about ourselves and being selfish, and completely forgetting to care for ourselves to the point that it's detrimental. Today we look at this important relationship with ourselves through the lens of Matthew 22:34-40, and explore the ways that we view ourselves is related to the way we view God and others.

What is My Responsibility Within our Family Relationships?
January 20, 2019
This week's focus will take us to I John 2 which talks about what a child can do, a young man and woman can do and then what it means to be a spiritual father and mother.
21st Century Challenges Facing Family Relationships
January 6, 2019
Most people realize their relationships are the most important thing God has given them. And these relationships cannot be taken for granted. They must be cultivated, cared for, worked on and if you are like me, need special attention because I tend to get preoccupied from time to time with other "important" things and I neglect what is most important in my life. Has this ever happened to you?
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