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The I AM Sayings
February 25 - April 1, 2018
In our 2018 Lenten Journey and Easter Focus, we focus on the "I AM" sayings of Jesus. which are powerful expressions of His saving relationship to the world. He uses God’s Word to bring us to a deeper understanding of the God-man as both protector and nurturer of His people.

I AM the Bread of Life
February 25
This Sunday, Christ invites us to be satisfied in Him through the "I AM" statement, "I AM the bread of life". Set right after Jesus fed the 5,000, he wanted to feed them so much more than just food. How about you? Are you hungry? Our soul's hunger can try to be fed by so many counterfeit choices today, but God alone can meet the hunger of our souls.

I AM the Light of the World
March 4
Do you view life as a destination or a journey? What does the Bible have to say about that? We are reminded that we are pilgrim people, which means it is more of a journey. This life has no end. Do you think that is true or false? I suppose it depends on if we see that in a physical sense or spiritual. Jesus came that we may have life and life abundantly according to John 10:10.

I AM the Good Shepherd
March 11
This week our third "I am" saying of Jesus centers around Jesus being the Good Shepherd and the Gateway for the sheep and that means Jesus sees us as sheep. Jesus said "I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me. No one can snatch them form my hand." In fact, Jesus loves his sheep so much that he laid down his life for them.

I AM the True Vine
March 18
This Sunday we will look at what it means to abide in Christ and be branches. How are you abiding in Christ? Do you feel close to Christ, are you in a season of pruning? Or do you feel like you are a branch that has fallen away from the vine? We are all in different places in our spiritual journey, but there is hope for us all! Christ calls all of us to abide in Him. This is good news for us because God is pursuing each and everyone of us so that we may bear fruit for the glory of God.

I AM the Way, the Truth, & the Light
March 25
This Sunday we will look at some of the signs which are included in the New Testament. We will look at signs Jesus performed, that Paul performed and how the disciples performed many "signs and wonders" and what the results of those were. In many cases it involved people being healed and helped. In many cases it led to people believing in God and Jesus.

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
April 1
In this last "I AM" saying of Jesus is spoken directly to Martha. He says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies... "(John 11:24-26) Then he asks Martha, "Do you believe this?" All this serves as a prelude to Jesus' own death, burial and then the stone being rolled away on that first Easter morning.
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