Building Use Policy
Culpeper United Methodist Church is most happy to have your organization share God’s House with us. In order that all church members and outside organizations can enjoy this facility, there are basic guidelines that will assist in making sure we are all good stewards of God’s blessings.
Worship and the ministries of the church will have priority in the scheduling of facilities.
For use of Culpeper UMC for weddings, please view our Wedding Page.
For use of Culpeper UMC for funerals, please view our Funeral Page.
Calendar of Church Activities
A calendar of all church events scheduled is maintained by the Church Administrative Assistant and no events can be scheduled without the date and event being cleared through the church office. The church calendar can be viewed here and is available in the weekly Bulletin.
Requesting Use of Facility
Church Ministry Groups must make a request in writing by completing the Building Use Form and turning into the Church Administrator of Congregational Life and Event Planning. Ministry Groups using the facility must stay in the area for which permission was granted.
Church members requesting use of the building, facilities or grounds for a personal function must make a request in writing by completing the Building Use Form. Permission may be granted by the Church Administrator of Congregational Life and Event Planning, or in her absence, the Executive Director or the Lead Pastor. Church groups and church members may use the facilities for personal use without building/room fees once approval is granted, however a cleaning charge will apply and will be paid one week prior to the event. Groups using the facility must stay in the area for which permission was granted.
Non-church groups or individuals requesting use of the building, facilities or grounds must also make a request in writing by completing the Building Use Form. Permission may be granted by the Church Administrative Assistant or in her absence, the Director of Administration or the Lead Pastor. Permission for use of the building or grounds by non-church groups will not be granted for Sunday, or after 4 PM on Saturday. Building/Room/cleaning fees apply to non-church groups using church facilities, once approval is granted. Groups using the facility must stay in the area for which permission was granted. All fees are payable through the Church Office, and are due one week prior to the event. Fees are non-negotiable.
A room deposit of $50 is required by all non-church groups and will be returned at the end of the event, as long as the End of Event Checklist is returned to the church office and the area that was used is cleaned and returned to its original position. A basic setup is provided in the Fellowship Hall and Community Room. Your group is certainly welcome to shift tables and chairs as needed. At the end of your meeting, it is requested that you apply the old Girl Scout rule: return things back to the basic setup. An exception to this would be if your group has a large event where they move all tables and chairs from the middle of the room. In that instance, please leave the middle of the room clear; the custodians will clean the floor and reset to the basic setup.
Any groups desiring to use the church on a regular basis must make a written request to the Church Administrator of Congregational Life and Event Planning by January 1st of each year and must comply with the Church Building Use Policy.
The following groups are considered to be “grandfathered” and are welcomed to use the facility as long as they follow written church policy, including submitting a Building Use Form and submitting a room deposit. There will be no charge to these groups the church will welcome donations as has been the practice in the past.
DAR AA Groups Culpeper Garden Club
UDC Calfee Garden Club Christian Women’s Club
“Grand-fathered” groups are to be re-approved by Council each year.
Culpeper United Methodist Church reserves the right to pre-empt any scheduled affair of any non-church group with reasonable notice.
Church groups may use the building/facilities/grounds for fundraising. Car washes may be held by church groups only. All church fundraisers must be approved by the Finance Team. Church facilities shall not be used by profit-making organizations for business purposes, including advertising, or by an individual for profit. No items for sale may be left in the church parking lots. Exceptions can only be granted by the Church Council.
Groups using facilities are responsible for any damages incurred as a result of acts or omissions.
Building Use
Culpeper UMC is a smoke free environment, therefore, there is to be no smoking in the church building. Additionally, alcoholic beverages and/or illegal substances are strictly prohibited on church property.
The church building is to be locked when not in use. Assignment of keys is handled through the church office. Keys must be signed out through the church office. Persons, groups and organizations using the church building are responsible for turning OUT lights and locking ALL exterior doors and windows upon completion of activities and making sure all fire doors are closed. The “End of Event checklist” is to be completed, signed, and turned in to box #5 within 24-36 hours of the function. At the conclusion of all worship services or sanctuary functions, an usher or responsible person shall see that the building is secure. Failure to secure the building shall result in reconsideration of permission for church usage.
Sanctuary furnishings may not be removed without permission of the Lead Pastor in consultation with the Property Chairmen. All Chancel decorations are the responsibility of the Altar Committee. No tape is to be used to attach decorations to church furnishings. The piano is not to be moved out of the Sanctuary, and the temperature control unit on the piano must remain plugged in at all times. Additionally, the drums are not to be moved or relocated. The audio equipment (microphones) is not available for use outside the Sanctuary and should not be moved. Use of the microphone system inside the Sanctuary will be allowed if one of the church’s approved operators is available.
If flowers have been designated for the altar for any given Sunday, additional flowers may be placed in front of the pulpit or lectern. No flowers are to be placed on the organ or piano, and no flowers are to be higher than the horizontal arm of the cross. Discretion should be used in the placement of flowers for funerals. Ushers are available for funerals if requested by the family or the funeral home.
There will be no selling in the Narthex, the area between the east and west double doors outside the sanctuary.
Vending machine may be placed in the church with approval of the Property Committee. The Church should not incur any expense for the machine(s).
Courtesies of the church for weddings and funerals will be extended at the discretion of the pastor to children of members, but not to grandchildren. Active members of small United Methodist churches in the local area may use CUMC facilities for weddings under member wedding policy. (See separate Wedding Page)
Tables, chairs and other non-kitchen equipment stored in the Fellowship Hall area may be borrowed by Culpeper UMC members with the approval of the church office and must be signed out through the church office. Kitchen equipment may be lent with the approval of the chairperson of the Kitchen Committee, and must be signed out through the church office. A damage deposit of $50.00 is required and will be refunded when articles are returned in the same condition as when they were borrowed.
There shall be no signs posted on church property except those relating to church activities. All signs shall be removed after each activity. Please refer to the Use of General Purpose Bulletin Board Policy regarding procedures about placing signs or flyers in the church. The only exception to this is political related signs on Election Day. Political signs are allowed on Election Day only while the polls are open. All political signs must be removed once the polls close.
Groups involving children or youth shall be required to comply with the Culpeper United Methodist Church Child Protection Policy. A copy of this policy shall be issued to such groups, and a signature required stating the group agrees to comply with this policy. Scouts and other Culpeper UMC youth groups may use the kitchen and Fellowship hall only under adult supervision.
Failure to comply with any church policy may result in loss of use of the facility.
Maximum Room Capacities at Culpeper United Methodist Church are established in accordance with the Fire Marshall.
Sanctuary, including balcony
400 This includes guests, wedding party, musicians and officiators.
Fellowship Hall
162 Seated at tables
or 343 Seated/standing
or 225 With 6 tables (3 buffet, 1 punch, 1 cake, 1 gift)
or 150 With 13 tables (3 buffet, 1 cake, 1 punch, 1 gift, 7 with chairs)
Community Room
66 Seated at tables
or 141 Seated/standing
NOTE: ALL exits must remain clear and accessible at all times.