Outreach and Evangelism

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are men and women who are willing to answer Jesus’ call to serve. They meet weekly with their care receivers for about an hour. Care Receivers are people experiencing challenges such as death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, terminal illnesses, long term hospitalization, single parenting, new baby or moving to a new community. Stephen Leaders are trained in topics such as listening, Christian assertiveness, maintaining boundaries in care giving and grief. Training includes 50 hours of classroom instruction and five hours of continuing education and supervision per month upon completion of training.
For more information, contact info@culpeperumc.org

Teens Opposing Poverty (TOP)
The TOP trips, represented by the CUMC Youth group and church body, are taken twice a year to minister with the homeless. Participate in trips to Washington, D.C. or Richmond, Virginia to visit with, feed and provide clothes to the homeless. Adult chaperones are needed along with clothes, including new socks and underwear, winter coats and work boots and various toiletry items. For more information, please contact our Administrator of Congregational Life and Event Planner, Jean Krueger.