Operations and Facilities
The 2022 Culpeper UMC Budget was approved on October 17, 2021 at the Church Conference. Please click here for the full budget report. For monthly financial updates, please visit our Leadership Team page to view the monthly Leadership Team Reports.

Culpeper UMC is always in need of improvements to its facilities. In 2020 we addressed many high priority needs, including painting the exterior and stairwells, replacing the original boiler, replacing aging HVAC units, and improving Preschool security. To donate toward capital improvements, please see our Online Giving page.

Volunteers have successfully been maintaining the property and building including many projects that have resulted in a great deal of savings for the church. More volunteers are always needed who have skills for various maintenance projects around the Church including painting, carpentry, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Executive Director Kelly Weiss at kellyweiss@culpeperumc.org.