Music Ministries
Make a joyful noise to the Lord!

Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord! - the mission of Music Ministry at CUMC. Primary to this focus is the leading of music participants and the congregation in praise to God, the Creator. The musical experience, under the direction of Jean Wood-Kobert, is multi-faceted, involving singing, handbell playing, liturgical dancing and dramatics presented in weekly worship services. At CUMC, music-makers of all ages, beginning with preschoolers, can have the opportunity to use their musical and other creative gifts in worship and praise to God.
Preschool Choir (children in the CUMC Preschool)
Children’s Choirs:
Cherub Choir (ages 4 - 1st grade)
Tuesday: 4:00-4:30 pm (singing); 4:30-4:50 pm (liturgical dance)
King’s Kids (grades 2 – 5th)
Tuesday: 4:00-4:30 pm (liturgical dance); 4:30-5:15 pm (singing)
Chancel Ringers (Adult Handbell Ringers):
Wednesday: 6:00–7:10 pm
Chancel Choir (Adult Singers):
Wednesday: 7:15–8:30 pm