United Methodism by its very nature is a movement, one that promotes personal and social holiness and extends the community of Christian faith through local and regional missions.
Missions Ministries
Babies are born, loved ones pass away, illnesses strike, couples marry and sometimes have difficulties, jobs are lost, and life-changing decisions are made. As a Christian community, we share the celebrations, the sorrows and the challenges of our lives with one another. Our Congregational Care pastors and ministries offer encouragement, practical support and prayer to meet the spiritual, emotional, physical and relational needs of the CUMC faith community.
There are many opportunities to serve God here at CUMC. Our ministry areas could not function without the dedication of our lay persons who are willing to serve God by serving in all ministries of our church.
We are all called to a mission—to serve God right where we are at and sometimes globally, as well. Will you answer the call? We have many opportunities to serve right here in Culpeper.
Come and serve . . . and find you are the one blessed!
We invite you to attend the monthly Missions Committee meeting, which is held the first Monday of each month.
Support your Honduras Mission Team