Providing spiritual and strategic leadership to the ministries of the church ensuring that the work of the church is aligned with the mission and vision of Culpeper UMC.
Providing oversight and counsel for the day-to-day operations of the church including issues related to staff.
Monitoring the finances of the church and recommending an annual budget to be approved by the Church Conference.
Completing annual evaluations for the Lead Pastor and Associate Pastor.
The Leadership Team consists of nine lay members serving in rotating three-year terms, plus the Lead Pastor, the Associate Pastor and the Executive Director.
The Team

Won Lee
Lead Pastor
Born and reared in Inchon, Korea (near capital city of Seoul) Won Lee grew up in the Korean Methodist Church and received his calling to ministry when he was twelve years old. Perhaps his calling was influenced by his grandfather who had served as a pastor of Korean Methodist Church for over 45 years.
Following his completion of Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology at Methodist University in Seoul Korea, Won Lee came to America in 2002 and enrolled at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D. C. to further his theological training. Upon his graduation with a Master of Divinity Degree in 2005 he was received into the Virginia Conference.
Pastor Won is married to Young Lee and they have two boys, Elliot and Eric. Pastor Won and his family are eagerly looking forward to our shared journey of living into God’s vision as witnesses of Jesus Christ at Culpeper United Methodist Church.

Kelly Weiss
Executive Director
Hi, I’m Kelly Weiss, the Executive Director at Culpeper United Methodist Church. I joined Culpeper UMC in January 2018 after I heard God’s call to join this beautiful church in its mission, and I became a professing member of the church in February 2018. I have been blessed to work for Culpeper UMC, to be part of this community, and to be involved with the many wonderful ways in which Culpeper UMC helps out in the community.
Prior to joining Culpeper UMC, I spent 17 years at ATIS – the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions in Washington, D.C. where I was the Vice President of Finance and Operations. I have also worked for law firms in Washington, D.C., for the Alaska Department of Revenue, and in the U.S. Senate for an Alaskan Senator. I received my Master of Public Administration from The American University, and my undergraduate degree from the University of Washington (go Huskies!).
I have been married to my lovely wife, Maria for 24 years. Maria works for the City of Charlottesville as the IT Operations Manager. We have two amazing daughters, Hailey (19) and Caitlin (16). Our other family members include our two Pugs, one Golden Retriever puppy and our four (!) cats.

Darryl Lam - Chair
Darryl Lam is a long-time member of Culpeper UMC. Darryl has served on many CUMC committees previously, including Property, SPRC, Trustees, Missions and Finance. Darryl served as the Chair of Property, SPRC and Trustees.
Darryl is very active with mission work, andhas assisted with missions including Handy Hearts, Wood Ministry, and is currently the coordinator of the Central Virginia Mission HUB, and one of the coordinators for Kits and Cans for the Three Notch'd District. He has also served as an ERT member and VIM Team leader, and has served on the Disaster Response Team and the Mission Committee for the District.

Jithendra Manne
Jithendra has served in Finance committee , Men’s group, Chaplain in men’s group, Building committee, Kelsey’s Big Give, Counting Coordinator, Choir member, Honduras Mission team , Confirmation Mentor, WBB . Jithendra’s professional experience includes, Programmer , IT , Customer Experience and Leadership.

Tracy Chapman
Tracy started attending CUMC in 2016 when she moved to Culpeper to begin her teaching career. She currently teaches at Farmington Elementary School.
During her time at CUMC she has been involved in children's and youth ministry, YES sponsor, confirmation mentor and leader and has worked with the AV team for the last 5 years.
Outside of the church she enjoys her mission work with camp at Jumonville in Pennsylvania where she likes to spend her summer ministering to children and youth of all ages teaching them about God through Bible studies and activities at camp.

Jack Dalaba
Jack is married to Willi and they have 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Jack graduated from Anderson University, Ball State University and United Theological Seminary.
Sixteen years ago Jack retired as executive director of a child and family mental health agency in Gloucester County, Virginia. Jack served in many leadership capacities of the United Methodist during the past 55 years and has been a member of Culpeper UMC since he and his wife transferred their membership to CUMC in 2018.

Bernie Posey
Bernardene (Bernie) Posey joined Culpeper UMC in 2014. She attended a Methodist Church in Manassas for 59 years serving as Chairman of the Administrative Council, Member of the (then) Pastor/Parish Committee, served on the building committee, taught Sunday School and led the teen youth group. Bernie also worked for Prince William County Schools for 34 year as an Executive Secretary.
Bernie is very passionate about mission work. She was a part of the Chili Mission Team that traveled to Chili in 2014, works with Manna Ministries to serve lunches to the less fortunate, and is an active member of the Central Virginia HUB. Bernie is a member of the Edith Burton Circle and currently serves as their treasurer. She has also been involved in many bible studies, including one small group for about 6 years.
She has been married to Nathan Posey for 52 years, has two sons, and three granddaughters.

Anne Jewett
Anne is a long-time member of CUMC. She has served in ministry as a small group leader, Sunday School teacher, member of the Preschool Committee, member of the Children's Team, chair of the Scholarships Committee, and YES Sponsor. She enjoys supporting various missions such as USDA, Powerpack, and VIM Mission Teams. Professionally, she is an educator

Bob Tuttle
Bob has been a member of CUMC for 9 years.
During those years he has served the church and
community with Kelsey’s Big Give, USDA program,
the HUB ministry, the wood ministry and various Bible studies. His faith in God over his life has guided him to be involved with helping people where possible.
Bob served professionally as a Medical Technologist in a number of hospital and research settings in Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts. He has a B.A. degree in
Biology and General Science.
He and his wife have 2 sons and 2 grandchildren and celebrated 47 years together on July 24th 2023. Bob enjoys fly fishing and kayaking with friends and family. He is a member of the Lake of the Woods Square Dance Club and has served as treasurer for 5 years.

Barbara Kile
Barbara is a 20-year member of CUMC where she served as a small group leader, UMW circle officer and program contributor, annual Kelsey’s Big Give participant, VBS volunteer, and supporter of various other missions. Barbara has advanced degrees in mathematics and a master’s degree in National Security Studies. She spent almost 30 years as a Department of Defense analyst and manager, and, for more than 12 years, she taught mathematics and statistics at the junior college and college levels. In full retirement, her love of mathematics and teaching led her to volunteer as a tutor in the Culpeper public school system and the county jail.

Pete Read
I have been a member of CUMC since 2018. During this time, I have served by visiting the home bound, serving as an usher, and reading scripture. I look forward to corporate worship and fellowship with my CUMC family! Everyday I try to grow as an ambassador of Christ on Earth and as a person.
I am married to my wife, Angela. I have a six year old son, Andrew. I was born in Minneapolis, MN, but have lived in central Virginia for almost 40 years. Graduated from Orange County HS in '96.
Currently, I serve the citizens and visitors of Culpeper County as a Firefighter/Paramedic. I also own and operate a small trucking company.