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International Missions

Honduras Team


Thousand Dollar Homes-Honduras 2019

For $1000 we are able to build these families a basic 12 foot by 16 foot wooden house. While they are not luxurious, they are very strong. The house uses four by four corner posts and two by four wall supports, which we use to support one inch thick boards that we use for the walls. Basically it is a large wooden box, with a metal roof and a cement floor. It has one door and no walls. 


These simple structures serve as starter kit for the families. Their old houses are almost always torn down, which means that they use the remaining materials from their old house to build an outdoor kitchen. We try to convince people to build a kitchen as far from their house as possible, since almost all Hondurans use wood burning stoves. As for other amenities, each family's situation is different. Some have electricity, running water and bathrooms, while others have none of the above. What is consistent is the need for a new house. 


We start with our $1000 house. Once that is completed, there can sometimes be additional projects that are needed. So far we have put in a basic solar power system in half of the houses we have built. For close to $150 we can purchase a system that provides three lights and the ability to charge USB device and cell phones, but no other appliances can be connected. For comparison, a solar system that is powerful enough to run one refrigerator costs over $2000. Most of these families though are far from affording any appliances. 


Running water can be the most complicated. So far we have only done one water project. However we helped the family afford the costs of joining a much larger water project that was subsidized by a US based nonprofit dedicated to providing access to running water. Even then it still cost nearly $900 for us to set up an outhouse, septic tank, shower and washing area.  Water projects are very important and can make a massive difference in the life of the family, however their cost can vary from a few hundred dollars to several thousand depending on what is required. 


In short, if you are interested in a project that would include providing solar power or water access to a family, there are several houses that I could share with you that require the additional projects. We also have several houses that have great water, electricity and bathrooms already. 


To give you a better idea of what $1000 goes for:


  • $100 for cement

  • $65 for a dump truck load of sand

  • $150 for the metal roofing material

  • $20 for screws and nails

  • $15 for hardware for the door

  • $35 for chemicals to cure/ protect the wood from termites

  • $15 for labor of a construction worker to help pour the cement floor

  • $45 for paint

  • $480 for wood

  • $75 for miscellaneous such as gas to the site


The Plan for 2019

1. We will be going March 9 to March 16.    Factors that influenced the decision:  desire to get there before too hot/humid, avoid hurricane season, road to the mountain is better in March-May.


I asked Walker to check with Pastor Marcos about the dates and he will.  He did indicate that planning 8 minutes in advance in Honduras does not happen often.


2.  We will be going back on top of the mountain to work with the church that we worked with last time.  Factors that influenced the decision: prior relationships, current relationships, future relationships, good bathroom.


3.  We will be teaching Bible School and building houses.  We were successful with Bible School last time.  Pastor Marcos said some of the children were on the floor crying as we left.  Others wanted to know when we would return.  We can teach Bible School with a team of 4-5 adults.  Can we add some of the older children or Sunday School teachers from the church?


We can build a 12’ x 16’ house for about $1,000.00 with 4-5 people.  These houses can sleep 4-6 people and can house their possessions that need to stay dry.  The concrete floor provides a cool and dry place to sleep.  If the homeowners are forced to relocate, they can take the house down and move it.  Walker calls these homes starter homes since they do not have everything.  The cost does not include water and septic.  At the end of this memo, I have provided an explanation that Walker put together for someone who wanted to sponsor a house.


Assuming a team of 13-15 people, we can teach Bible School and build 2-3 houses.  If we have a bigger team, we can add another house.  Here is a build schedule:  Before we get there-pre-treat the boards for termites and level the ground.  Day 1, dig the holes and set the corner posts, Day 2, nail the walls, Day 3, install the roof, Day 4, pour the floor, Day 5, paint the house.  The houses that are replaced are usually torn down and then rebuilt as a separate cooking shed.

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