Get Connected
Culpeper UMC Small Groups
Wesleyan Fellowship
This class uses a seasonal adult student bible study guide. Contact the Church Office for more information.
Bible Basics
Contact the Church Office for more information.
Kid's Connect
Kid's Connect is an outlet for children during during both the 9:00 and 11:00 services, connecting children with God, each other, and their community. Contact Cheyenne for more information.
WOW "Women of Worth"
6:30PM-8PM in the Ladies Parlor– this is a group of ladies in their 40’s and above. Their next study will be using the book We Saved You a Seat by Lisa-Jo Baker. Contact the Church Office for more information.
Golden Friends
10AM in Room 201 – this is a small group of seniors who pray and share concerns for each other and for our many loved ones, and we read and discuss the Bible. We select another book of the Bible by consensus after finishing each one, we are currently reading Ruth. Contact the Church Office for more information.
LIFT - Living in Faith Together
6:30PM-7:30PM in the Ladies Parlor - Contact the Church Office for more information.