Disaster Response
Culpeper UMC helps verify, load and deliver Cleaning Buckets and Health Buckets for victims of floods and other natural disasters. Here's how you can help:
Your prayers.
Purchasing supplies to go on flood buckets and health kits that we collect through our CUMC ministry of the Mission Central Hub.
Participate in our upcoming packing events (dates to be announced).

Here are the materials you can bring in and drop off during the week and on Sundays:
Cleaning buckets: for flood victims
View pictures of cleaning bucket contents from list below
One 5 gallon round bucket with resealable lid. No screw lid.
One 32-64 oz. liquid laundry detergent
One 16-40 oz. CONCENTRATED liquid all purpose household cleaner
One 16-34 oz. dish soap
One 4-8 oz. PUMP air freshener OR three gel fresheners
One 6-14 oz. PUMP insect repellent spray or pack of 10-20 wipes
One household scrub brush - NO toilet or dish brush
18 Handiwipes
5 scouring pads- (NO stainless steel pads with soap
36-50 wooden clothespins (Pack in 1 gal. storage bag with masks)
5 N95 dust masks (1-3mm) - pack with clothespins. NO surgical masks
One Clothesline (50-100 feet)
24 Heavy-Duty trash bags (33-45 gallon size)
2 pairs kitchen gloves (suggest 1 medium, 1 large) - NO food service or exam gloves
Please do not deviate from the sizes on the list everything has to fit
Into the bucket with the lid in place. ****NOTE: Trash bags need to be contractor grade at least 3mill. otherwise they will not be strong enough to carry flood debris.
Health Kits
1 good quality hand towel
1 wash cloth
1 sturdy comb (at least 7" )
1 metal nail file or clipper
1 bath soap (at least 3 oz) - NO Jergans or Ivory
1 adult toothbrush (sealed)
10 Band-Aids (3/4" by 3" )
1 gallon resealable plastic bag
Place all items in washcloth, then tightly roll burrito-style in hand towel. Pack in gallon bag.
Donations can be made to the Central Virginia Mission HUB, make check payable to CUMC memo Central Virginia Mission HUB.
Drop Off Instructions:
You can drop off flood buckets during our normal office hours:
Monday - Thursday, 9:00AM - 4:00PM and Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Park in the upper parking lot (behind the church) and come in the main entrance and speak to our office staff.
After Hours Drop off or Dropping Off a Large Amount of Buckets
If you need to deliver a large amount of buckets or after office hours please contact Darry Lam at darryllam@comcast.net or (540) 219-2829.