Farewell Messages from the Orndorffs
June 3 - June 16, 2019
After 15 years of faithful service to Culpeper UMC, Pastor Randy and Lee Anne have been called to another assignment at Aldersgate UMC in Alexandria. The Orndorffs will be preaching their last three sermons at Culpeper UMC this month. We wish the Orndorffs all the best, and we will miss all of you very much!

Testify to Love -- Pastor Joshua Orndorff
June 2, 2019
Pastor Josh Orndorff, who was called into ministry and affirmed by you, his church family, will be preaching this weekend and consecrating communion. His wife, Michelle, who grew up in this church, will be sharing special music. As this is Ascension Sunday and Jesus instructed his disciples to “be my witness to the ends of the earth," Josh will share a message on “Testify to Love”!

Journeying Together on the Mountain and In the Valley -- Lee Anne Orndorff
June 9, 2019
To what or who do you look to when the going gets tough? The Psalmist says, “I lift my eyes to the mountains -- where does my help comes from? My help comes from the Lord” (Psalm 121:1)
This week Lee Anne Orndorff will be focusing on what it looks like to travel on the mountains and in the valleys of life. And we have experienced both. We suppose you have as well. How did you make it? I find it interesting that the view from the top of the mountain can be breathtaking. However, the place the fruit is grown is always in the valley.

Stay Focused! -- Pastor Randy Orndorff
June 16, 2019
Culpeper UMC family, it is hard to believe this is our final Sunday with you. I do look forward to Father’s Day and sharing a final message about Staying Focused! Of course, the one we want to stay focused on is Jesus! It’s is so hard to say all these final farewells. What helps is to know is that our hearts and lives will always be tied together because our hearts and lives are tied to Jesus. I am reminded of Paul’s words in Corinthians when an argument came up about who was the best preacher or had more authority in the gospel. At question was, who the people were going to follow. Paul comes back with this. “The Lord has assigned each their task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered the seed, and God made it grow.” (I Corinthians 3:1-9). And then Paul adds, “for we are all God’s fellow workers.” (Vs 9)