Handy Hearts

Handy Hearts focuses on meeting the needs of individuals and families in Culpeper County that have challenges beyond their means, including building free handicapped ramps, making home repairs and providing wood to families identified by Culpeper Human Services as needing winter heating assistance.
Handy Hearts also supports Manna Ministry, which provides mid-day meals at the Culpeper Presbyterian Church; the Warming Shelter, which provides homeless individuals in our community with a place to stay during the cold weather months; and Kelsey's Big Give, a one day service project to repair homes for the needy.
In collaboration with the Culpeper United Methodist Men, an annual golf tournament provides funds to support the program. Proceeds from the upcoming second annual golf tournament at the Culpeper Country Club will go towards building ramps, home repairs, Kelsey's Big Give and much more. We are looking for the continued support of local businesses as tournament sponsors.
For more information, contact info@culpeperumc.org
Note: The Missions Team is currently developing plans to implement a community wide "give back" mission opportunity. More details to come.
Kelsey's Big Give took place in Culpeper on the first Saturday in August as a way to remember Kelsey Jean-Marie Orndorff who was killed in a car accident on August 29, 2008. Kelsey, Pastor Randy's and Lee Anne's daughter was to preach her first sermon that Sunday called 'Passion for Christ, Passion for Others" primarily because of her love for mission work and serving others.
Teams comprised of all ages will then disperse to work on projects throughout the county. Volunteers will be rolling up their sleeves for a morning of labor intensive projects, which may include shed, deck and fence repairs; exterior painting; yard work and siding replacement; and cutting and splitting wood for individuals in need.
The Orndorff family is truly appreciative of everyone’s willingness to keep Kelsey’s spirit alive. “Her passion for Christ and passion for others remains alive in the community, and it is evident through this and many other mission-focused events throughout the year,” said Orndorff.
For more information, contact: info@culpeperumc.org

Kelsey's Big Give
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission

"What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2:14-17 (NIV)
Volunteers In Mission (VIM) fulfills this scripture. it takes faith to answer God's call to leave your home and all its comforts for a week. It takes faith to go to a strange place, not knowing where you will be sleeping, what you will be sleeping on, if you will have a place to shower and what are you going to eat. It also takes faith to have the strength and stamina to do the work that needs to be done. Yes, you know the folks you are traveling and working with, but for a week in a close environment, what will they be like? We read in James that by faith we know that God will be there, for he has called us and led us to this place.
The team was impressed by the support and interaction of the members and congregants at Grace Church and the Rebuilding Hope ministry. The Church has 21 acres; they just agreed to have a 15,000 foot warehouse built for storing of materials for future disasters.
This group exists to promote, encourage and enable Christians to exemplify "Christian Love In Action" through short-term mission service in the United States and abroad. UMVIM is the short-term mission agency of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church.

Wood Ministry
The Wood Ministry provides wood for those in need during the cold winter months. Volunteers cut trees as requested, split wood, and deliver wood to those in need.
For more information, contact Abbie Jewett at woodministry@culpeperumc.org